Granny Sex Contacts UK

Imagine what would happen if you took a whole fantasy box out the equation when it came down to sex. Imagine what would happen if the whole “crushing on the older woman” thing wasn’t to ever happen to you. Can you imagine not having that crush on Mrs. Levenstein at high school for two and a half years? Can you imagine not thinking about her as you played with yourself in bed after her class was the last class of your day…

Think about it – lusting about older woman is something that is pre-programmed into all guys from a young age. There is always the older teacher at school, or the best friend of your mother that keeps herself in shape and looking mighty fine. The older woman is the one you sleep with who teaches you a trick or two. Isn’t that the whole reason you’re sleeping with her anyway? Because she actually knows what she’s doing?

If you didn’t date that one older woman that no one knew about, you wouldn’t know how much girls really appreciated a bit of good old-fashioned romance. You wouldn’t know that most girls don’t like heavy-handed touching ‘down there’ – they like to be lightly touched and stroked for maximum effect and goosebumps. These are all things that my older lady taught me – that Granny that draped me with her wisdom. There would be a lot of things I wouldn’t know if I hadn’t joined that Granny dating website and met Gillian.

I wouldn’t know that intelligent conversations (even ones that you fluke the entire way through) are important to women, and that you need to pay them attention a lot with well-timed compliments and discreet little touches. I wouldn’t know that even the smallest gifts can make the world of difference to her day when you put a lot of thought into them. I wouldn’t know how much you can really learn about a girl from the things she says and the ways she answers your questions.

I may have only been in the Granny dating scene for a short time compared to some guys, and it isn’t something that I ONLY partake in (I’m a horny-twenty-something and basically enjoy anything that excites me) but it is something that I always have fun with AND learn from. It’s an eye-opening experience and one that has lead the way for great sexual meetings with girls my own age too. Because of the things I learned from Gillian over the years, I surprise girls with my knowledge of their bodies, understanding their body language in a way that other guys my own age that HADN’T slept with an older woman and learnt from it would know.

Put it this way – every girl I’ve ever slept with since has come back for more at least once. I reckon that’s a pretty good sign, don’t you?

The fact of the matter is this – Granny dating, or dating any older woman, is something that will lead the way for you if you are smart enough to take in everything you could learn from it. The only question left to ask is this – are you really up for the challenge?